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Golf | Golf History

Discover the
history of THE
Golf course

The bridge built by Armand-Albert Rateau over Broomfield Road to rejoin the Leeds Castle Golf Course.

Ninety ‘Diamond’ Years for One of Britain’s Loveliest Courses

During the 20th century, Lady Baillie would host lavish weekend house parties. These parties saw Hollywood stars, societies finest and leading figures of the 1930s, gather at Leeds Castle for a weekend they wouldn’t forget. A lesser-known, yet equally significant chapter of the Castle’s history was happening right outside on the golf course!

In 1931, Lady Baillie worked with leading architects to begin the construction of the golf course. Her vision saw the installation of beautifully laid-out trees, mowed grass, and an expansive sheet of water surrounding the Castle. This work framed the Castle as a focal point in the middle estate and golf course, creating an idyllic country scene as could “humanly be devised’.

Renowned golf course architects of the day, Sir Guy Campbell, Cecil Hutchinson and Stafford Hotchkin, were commissioned by Lady Baillie. They were tasked to design a course where ‘no bunkers would be visible from the Castle’. This was to ensure that the course would not ‘interrupt the skyline with a flagpole on a green.

The end result was a unique nine-hole course considered by many at the time to be one of Britain’s finest. The course remains open to this day and is considered one of England’s best nine-hole courses.

The Leeds Castle Golf Club is open daily to players of all abilities, whether through memberships or pay-and-play green fees.

pay & play green fees

With beautiful greens, stunning views and challenging holes, non-members can book a tee time 7 days prior to play.

become a member

Become a member of the Leeds Castle Golf Course, and enjoy challenging greens and spectacular views of the Castle and parklands.