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Wedding | Venues | The Fairfax Barn

The Fairfax Barn wedding Reception

Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions

The Fairfax Barn is a 17th-century Kentish timber-framed barn, idyllic for rustic barn wedding receptions for those getting married in the Castle or Maiden’s Tower, looking to celebrate with larger numbers in the evening.

Offering spectacular views of the Castle, your wedding party and guests will gather outside on the large terrace, ideal for celebrating on a fine seasonal evening.

The wedding couple and party can enjoy stunning wedding photographs taken in the grounds and gardens while your guests enjoy the hospitality of our staff and evening entertainment.

Start your wedding journey today


Evening Reception: 100 to 200


4pm until midnight

Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions
Wedding Couple at Leeds Castle
Wedding Cake
Fairfax Barn Wedding Receptions


It’s time to plan your perfect day