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safeguarding our future

Leeds Castle Foundation is at the start of an exciting net zero journey, doing all we can to minimise our impact on the environment.

With significant rises in energy costs, the task is an urgent one if we are to secure our financial sustainability. It’s one we’re determined to achieve alongside doing all we can to improve biodiversity and grow our reputation as a leading heritage attraction for all the community.

Environmental sustainability

We have already made progress on reducing energy usage and our carbon footprint. We have also introduced a green travel offer where we offer car-free visitors a 20% discount off entry.

To reach net zero, we will need to introduce renewables and consider large-scale carbon offsetting.

A key priority for Leeds Castle is to review options for replacing the current heating system in the Castle. This will have the largest positive impact on our carbon reduction programme.

One of the key focuses of the grant we have received from the National Heritage Lottery Fund is to carry out a mechanical and engineering audit that will inform future investment in energy efficient technologies, supported by external funding.

Made possible with Heritage Fund

As a charity, the ongoing support of our donors,
visitors and hospitality and event guests makes a huge
difference allowing us to undertake vital projects.