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General10 October 2022

World Mental Health Day

Protecting our mental health is easier than you might think. We can all do it every day. With simple activities that help us feel OK, we’re better able to cope with life.

Mental Health Foundation organises World Mental Health Day each year, and shares several tips created to help us look after our mental health, all backed by their recent ground-breaking study.

At Leeds Castle, the mental health of our visitors, volunteers and staff is of the utmost importance. Here we have highlighted a couple of these tips:

Get closer to nature

We all live with worries and fears, uncertainties, losses that leave us sad and pressures that make us feel stressed.

Nature has a calming effect on us. Some people share that nature helps them feel calmer, more hopeful and less alone.

At Leeds Castle, we have an abundance of nature to make your own. From listening to birds tweeting from tree to tree, sitting on a bench in the Culpeper Garden as life passes by, or even just admiring the seasonal colour as you enjoy a peaceful stroll through the Woodland Walk.

Keep moving

Moving our bodies are great ways to improve our mental and physical health. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones that reduce feelings of stress and anger. If it involves other people, like being part of a team, a class or a group we see regularly, that can also boost our mental health.

At Leeds Castle, there are plenty of ways you can keep moving. Opt for a jog through our stunning parklands as you follow one of three of our self-guided walking routes. If you love gardens and being part of a team, why not sign up to become a gardening volunteer? And finally, you can set your own pace and head on a quiet stroll through the glamorous grounds.

Plan things to look forward to

Life throws all sorts at us, and during hard times, we may feel hopeless and not have the energy to plan for the future. Things to look forward to, including fun activities, can help us cope with difficult situations.

It could be small or big, what’s important is to plan it. Decide what you’ll do, when and with who and, if needed, book it. It’s important to follow your plan – and repeat…

At Leeds Castle, this could be meeting a friend every few weeks for a walk through the Castle and grounds. You may even choose to plan a family outing to one of our events included in your admission tickets.

For more support and tips, please visit